
Why Do You Need To Change Air Filters?

If you are a building manager or run your own business, you’ve likely heard from HVAC technicians and other owners that you need to change your air filters regularly. But why is that the case? Here, Comfort First Products will discuss the importance of ensuring that your air filters for your ceiling air diverters are changed regularly and the benefits of doing so for your workplace and office buildings.

Keep Up Great Air Quality

First and foremost, the main reason to change out your air filters regularly is to ensure that your office space has great air quality. Air quality is a major component that affects everybody working within the building, especially you and your employees, who spend the majority of their time in the building. With regularly changed air filters, you can be sure that you’re helping to keep yourself, your employees, and everyone who visit your building comfortable with better quality air.

Change Every Three to Six Months

How often should you change your air filters? Depending on your system, how open your building is, and how many people are in your building on a regular basis, you should change them every three to six months. If you have more people in and out of your building, or you have wider, more open spaces that are prone to dust, allergens, and microbes, you should change your air filters closer to every three months. 

If You Change Your Home Filters, You Should Change Your Office Ones

When you think about changing air filters in an HVAC system, many people immediately think of changing residential HVAC system filters. However, if you’re changing your filters at home, you should also be changing them in your office! New air filters are better at filtering out dust and pollen so your office and company building stays cleaner for longer, and it also helps to eliminate potentially harmful microbes in the air of your building, ensuring your employees are happier and healthier.


Lower Chances of Sickness and Allergies

One of the most important benefits of changing the air filters in your office or commercial building is to help keep everyone within the building feeling their best! As mentioned before, newer air filters help to keep dust and particulate matter out of the air in your building, which helps people with asthma or allergies. Did you know that newer, more effective air filters can also help to reduce the spread of sickness, too? From colds and the flu to viral infections like COVID-19, better air filters in your office’s ceiling air diverters and HVAC systems can help reduce the spread of germs and keep your employees feeling their best. 

Ready to change out your office building’s air filters? Shop through Comfort First Products selection of air filters, ceiling air diverters, and so much more online today!