Frequently Asked Questions
At Comfort First Products, we are committed to improving the comfort and well-being of your team members. That’s why we’ve designed two innovative products, the Control-A-Flow® and Comfort First Filtered Diffuser ™, that not only improve the flow of air in your workplace, but also improve its quality.
Since our products rely on new designs and features, we often get questions about how they work and what they’re capable of. Our Frequently Asked Questions should address most of your pressing questions but feel free to connect with us if you need more specific answers. We also invite you to watch our collection of videos to see our products.
Control-A-Flow Draft Eliminator
"Is the draft eliminator easy to install?"
Yes, it installs in less than 2 minutes without any tools.
"Will the deflector panels warp?"
No, there is a stabilizing bar in each deflector panel.
"Does Control-A-Flow stop the airflow?"
No, it deflects the air along the top of the ceiling, maintaining air volume and systems balance.
"Is it aesthetically pleasing?"
Yes, the color of the rails are matched to the T-Bar's soft white color and the filter is white, blending with the acoustic ceiling.
"Can I adjust the Control-A-Flow?"
Yes. Using the included "Adjusting Wand," the panels and rail cover plates can be moved to direct the airflow in two, three, four, or five directions at once, while easily and safely standing on the floor.
"If the draft eliminator panels cover the light, will it allow the light to come through?"
Yes, 75 percent of the light will still shine through the translucent panels.
"Will the Control-A-Flow result in my compressor running hard?"
NO. It was designed to allow air to flow along the ceiling line, while not significantly increasing the static pressure, thus preventing high Freon pressures due to restricted airflow.
"Can I become a distributor?"
Simply contact us if you are interested in a distributorship. We can be reached via email or phone. For more information, click here.
"How fast can you deliver the draft eliminator?"
We ship the same day on all orders placed before 2:00 P.M. PST via UPS Ground. We can ship using faster methods for additional fees. You can call, e-mail, or fax us for a quote.
"Is the Control-A-Flow patented?"
"Does this product restrict the airflow?"
Very little. If you click on the printable brochure, a PDF file will come up. On page three, you can view the results of our static pressure tests.
"What is Indoor Air Quality?"
A healthy indoor environment is one in which the surroundings contribute to productivity, comfort, and a sense of health and well-being. The qualities of good indoor air include: Introduction and distribution of adequate ventilation air, control of airborne contaminants, and the maintenance of acceptable temperature and relative humidity.
Comfort First Filtered Diffuser
"Is the air filter diffuser easy to install?"
Yes. You need to verify if you have a steel back pan behind your diffuser and if it has four universal holes on two sides opposite each other. If the holes exist, the diffuser installs in less than 10 minutes with a small screwdriver into your existing back pan. If not, you will need to purchase a back pan with the correct size duct neck. See the installation instructions for detailed instructions.
"What does an 'earthquake' tab do?"
The earthquake tab on the back pan is used in conjunction with a hanger wire (by others) to prevent the diffuser from falling in the event of an earthquake. The hanger wire is anchored above the ceiling plane to a fixed point on the structure. The free end is then passed through the opening in the tab and back around the wire, much the same way a T-bar is hanged. See your local codes to determine actual and adequate methods.
"Does the air filter diffuser stop the airflow?"
No, it directs the air in four directions and you can control the angle that the air enters the room by adjusting the louvers, maintaining air volume and systems balance.
"What is the Filter Media?"
It is made of an electrostatically charged fiber filter media. It is designed to be thrown out and replaced approximately every six months.
"Do you have the technical data on the Filters - Both MERV 12 and MERV 14?"
Yes, click on the link for the MERV 12 or MERV 14
"Is it aesthetically pleasing?"
Yes, it is a 22-gauge steel diffuser with a white power coating. It blends in with the ceiling acoustic tiles.
"Can I adjust the Comfort First Filtered Diffuser?"
Yes. Use the levers on the louvers to control the angle of the airflow on all four sides. This diffuser will eliminate the downdraft and prevent complaints of cold drafts.
"Will the Comfort First Filtered Diffuser result in my compressor running hard?"
NO. It was designed to allow air to flow in a broad throw pattern as far as 18 feet per side, depending on CFMs. The standard perforated diffuser dumps air straight down. The Comfort First will not significantly increase static pressure, thus preventing high freon pressures due to restricted airflow.
"Why should I filter the supply diffuser?"
The best furnace filter on the market will certainly produce quality air but will provide no protection from the contamination in the duct system. A supply diffuser filter will protect the indoor environment from dust, pollen, and other contaminants that form in the dark moist environments of the duct system.
"I have an employee that is allergic to the air in the office. Will the Comfort First help?"
Yes, it will remove particulates as small as .3 microns. We have one client who got sick during the week and well on the weekend. Once she used the Comfort First diffuser above her desk, she has stopped her complaints and threat of a Workers' Compensation claim.
"What other names are supply diffusers called?"
Air diffusers are called the following: Comfort First Filtered Diffuser, Filtered Air Diffuser, air vent, air grille, air louver, air supply, air supply louvers, supply air diffusers, supply air grille, supply air grilles, registers, steel diffuser, four-way air diffuser, air diverter, Draft Eliminator, ceiling air diverter, direct airflow flow diffuser, Environmental Diffuser, Commercial air deflector, modular core diffuser, and more.
"What complaints regarding drafts might the Comfort First Filtered Diffuser solve?"
The diffuser will address the complaints of always being too cold, the draft blowing directly on someone, the air making someone sick, someone getting a cross draft, particles blowing in someone's workspace, etc. Diverting the air so it does not directly blow down on the office occupants and filtering the air as it enters the room can solve these complaints.
"What is IAQ - Indoor Air Quality?"
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) deals with the content of interior air that could affect health and comfort of building occupants. The IAQ may be compromised by microbial contaminants (mold, bacteria), chemicals (such as carbon monoxide, radon), allergens, or any mass or energy stressor that can induce health effects. Recent findings have demonstrated that indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air (albeit with different pollutants) although this has not changed the common understanding of air pollution. In fact, indoor air is often a greater health hazard than the corresponding outdoor setting. Using ventilation to dilute contaminants, filtration, and source control are the primary methods for improving indoor air quality in most buildings. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indoor_air_quality
"Can I become a distributor?"
If you are a wholesaler, simply contact us if you are interested in a distributorship.
"How fast can you deliver the product?"
We ship the same day on all orders placed before 2:00 P.M. PST via UPS Ground. We can ship using faster methods for additional fees. You can call, e-mail, or fax us for a quote or order the product online.
"Is the Comfort First Filtered Diffuser patented?"
"Does the air filter diffuser restrict the airflow?"
Very little. The performance data sheet will give you specification and performance data facts. The restriction varies with MERV 12 or MERV 14 Filters.
"Why do I need improved indoor air quality?"
A healthy indoor environment is one in which the surroundings contribute to productivity, comfort, and a sense of health and well-being. Most employers want the pollen, mold, mildew, and other indoor allergens reduced as much as possible for a healthy workforce. Most indoor air quality is of poorer quality than the outdoor air.
"Will the filter help prevent the dirty ceilings the black dirt marks on my ceiling?"
Yes, it will filter much of the particles that leave dark soot on ceilings and regular diffusers.
"How can the Comfort First help me save energy?"
By evenly distributing the air, you can reduce or eliminate hot and cold spots, thereby producing a more comfortable ambient room temperature. This allows you to increase the thermostat setting 1 or 2 degrees, with each degree saving as much as 10 percent of the energy consumption, thus saving energy. Reducing the air blowing down on people will also reduce the need for space heaters that use massive amounts of power.
"Has the Comfort First been used in laboratories?"
Some of our clients use the Comfort First and its 360-degree air diffusion to eliminate the drafts blowing down on their scales, affecting their results. Others want to remove the contaminants that their pre-filters do not remove. It has been used in conjunction with the other sterile room filters.