Air Flow Controller

Strategies For Optimizing Your Commercial AC Performance

By Comfort First Products / April 26, 2024

Maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient commercial space is crucial to running a successful business. A properly functioning air conditioning system is one of the most critical components in this equation. However, ensuring optimal performance requires proactive measures and strategic maintenance. Here are some effective strategies to keep your commercial AC system running smoothly. Optimal Airflow…

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improve indoor air quality with air diverters and filters

5 Reasons to Spring Clean Your Office

By james bultitude / March 29, 2021

Spring has sprung, and cleaning your office is as crucial as ever, especially with more people coming back to the office now that we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for this global pandemic we have been battling for the past year. In this blog, we are going to go over five…

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An image of school books, blocks, and an apple.

Indoor Air Quality and Your Child’s School

By CFAdmin / December 18, 2019

When we first think of schools we tend to think about the students, teachers, and all of the learning that takes place within these walls. However, barely any of us think of the air quality that’s in this building. Children spend approximately an average of 1,300 hours in school buildings. That’s 1,300 hours of breathing…

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An image of a power plant factory.

Common Types of Air Pollutants

By CFAdmin / September 24, 2019

No matter if you’re living or working in an urban or rural environment, indoor air quality is of the utmost importance. Through all of the hustle and bustle that goes on everyday, we are constantly breathing in things that aren’t the best for our health. Studies have actually shown that living in heavy metropolitan areas…

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Don’t Buy Into These Myths About Indoor Air Quality

By CFAdmin / January 14, 2019

At Comfort First, we sell all kinds of products that are meant to improve the indoor air quality of your building and promote healthy indoor air quality. However, the importance of our products can easily be lost on someone who doesn’t have a solid understanding of why it’s important to maintain good air quality. Unfortunately,…

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